Now Publishers Archives | Innovate
Innovation Spotlight
Tentative 2024 frontlists for each of the eBook collections hosted in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Please note these lists are subject to change, some titles may move to 2025 or be removed entirely. Additional titles will be added to the title lists as they get published throughout the year. Check back later this year for updated frontlists.

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This new eBooks from Now Publishers explores the growing body of research about modern in-vehicle user interfaces and helping drivers switch between different mode of automation while accomplish various non-driving tasks. Read More For subscription options visit: Now Publishers...

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Robot Hand
Recently added to IEEE Xplore, the Now Publishers Foundations and Trends® eBooks covers emerging topics in engineering and computer science. A Survey of Methods for Safe Human-Robot Interaction summarizes the vast research and helps support future technologies related to the field. More info

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This eBooks collection is a trusted resource for graduate students, corporate engineers, and researchers who are exploring a new topic or looking for a high-level introduction to unfamiliar subject areas in computer science or engineering. These peer-reviewed eBooks summarize important and timely monographs, allowing readers to learn about  trending topics quickly.

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