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Innovation Spotlight
eBooks are a critical resource for researchers and students across the world, and with this in mind, IEEE has partnered with Princeton University Press, a prestigious publisher, to bring a specially curated collection of eBooks to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

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Learn more about the valuable resources and course programs available within the IEEE eLearning Library, and contact us today to learn more about getting access to course programs for your organization.

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IEEE and CERN recently reached a transformative ‘read and publish’ agreement.

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Please join IEEE for a free live webinar on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 12 PM Eastern Time and learn about artificial intelligence standards in development across various industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and finance, among others.

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The path to get published can be long and challenging for some authors as the pressure to publish continues to grow. As such, there are publishers offering quick and easy “shortcuts” to publication.

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Learn more about 5G with these free resources from IEEE.

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AI Standards: Roadmap for Ethical and Responsible Digital Environments is a new five-course program that will help your organization responsibly integrate AI within your products and operations.

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New standards packages now available on IEEE Xplore related to blockchain and cybersecurity technologies.

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Join the IEEE Standards Association for a free webinar series on the Impact of IEEE Standards on Emerging Applications.

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Recently IEEE conducted two virtual Authorship Workshops for Researchers in India. The goal of this series is to enable engineers, faculty, researchers, authors, students, and industry professionals to help advance technology and their careers by enhancing their ability to get published and share their research with the scholarly community.

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