In the latest issue of the IEEE Spectrum Magazine, read about the top 10 tech cars, Tesla's big battery bets, engineering a quantum computer, trimming waste in data centers, “Superpower Glass” takes on autism, and more.

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The Top 10 Tech Cars

BY NOW, EVEN casual car fans have heard that the Corvette has gone midengine. It's a radical realignment for a car famous for big V8s nestling below long, flowing hoods since the ‘Vette's birth in 1953. Best of all, it works…

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Tesla's Big Battery Bets

Electric vehicles have recently boasted impressive growth rates, more than doubling in market penetration every two years between 2014 and 2018. And batteries play a key role in EV performance and price. That's why some companies…

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Engineering a Quantum Computer

The classic Rubik's Cube has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 different states. You might well wonder how people are able to take a scrambled cube and bring it back to its original configuration, with just one color showing on each side…

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Trimming Waste in Data Centers

WHEN YOU HEAR THE WORDS “data center” and “games,” you probably think of massive multiplayer online games like World of Warcraft. But there's another kind of game going on in data centers, one meant to hog resources…

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“Superpower Glass” Takes on Autism

Now imagine that Jimmy is wearing a special kind of Google Glass, the augmented-reality headset that Google introduced in 2013. When he looks up at his mom, the head-up display lights up with a green box, which alerts Jimmy…

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