In the May issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, read about the IEEE 2023 Medal of Honor recipient, the race to keep pace with deepfakes, robotic avatars for the real world, and more.


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IEEE Spectrum: May Issue

The Internet Evangelist: Vint Cerf’s Crusade to Network the World

The Internet Evangelist
“For the past five decades, Cerf, has been perfecting, extending, and evangelizing the Internet. It is for this—his contributions in cocreating the Internet architecture and his leadership in its growth to date—that Cerf is the recipient of the 2023 IEEE Medal of Honor…”

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The Race to Keep Pace with Deepfakes

The Race to Keep Pace with Deepfake
When a new detection method comes along, someone can often train a generative algorithm to fool it. It is entirely possible that both the generators and the detectors of these digital phantoms will become locked in an arms race…

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Yes, You Can Add Lasers to Silicon

4 Ways to Put Lasers on Silicon
Engineers have been able to integrate nearly every important function, including the essentials of modulation and detection, on silicon photonic chips, except for one: light emission. Silicon itself doesn't do that efficiently, so semiconductors are typically used to make components to produce light…

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Robotic Avatars for the Real World

Robotic Avatars
Autonomous robots are starting to find a few valuable niches in semistructured environments, like offices, hospitals and warehouses. But when it comes to any situation that requires innovation and creativity, autonomous robots are often at a loss…

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