The IEEE Xplore Innovation Spotlight features articles on cutting-edge topics handpicked from the IEEE Xplore Digital Library of more than 6 million technical documents.
A new online scheduling framework could enhance multi-microgrid systems to support residential energy sources to become more reliable, cost-effective and mitigate electricity demand coming from the main grid.
Industries across the globe are under pressure to stay competitive, enhance operations and improve quality. Steps have been taken to incorporate smart and flexible capabilities on the factory floor, but a new AI visual inspection tool could help address manufacturing processes that are still frequently overlooked, such as product inspections.
During holiday shopping season, retailers must ensure they don’t just draw shoppers online, but convert them into buyers. Using predictive analytics, researchers believe they can identify the best customers seconds after shoppers get online, enabling improved targeting for promotions.
Fueling the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is upon us, and IEEE is leading the way. Learn more about key technologies that will change the way we live in this new era and how IEEE research is fostering innovation and education in these fields.