The IEEE Xplore Innovation Spotlight features articles on cutting-edge topics handpicked from the IEEE Xplore Digital Library of more than 6 million technical documents.
Edge computing has emerged as a pivotal paradigm in the IoT and distributed computing era, bringing computation closer to data sources for improved latency and efficiency. However, the ubiquity of edge devices also exposes them to an increased risk of cyber threats, making cybersecurity a paramount concern.
Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications involve many interconnected devices performing predefined tasks. Sophisticated cyber-attacks on IoT applications are often launched when malicious entities gather enough information about the characteristics and operations of the network and the connected devices. Different security mechanisms are put in place to protect the information exchange between the devices. In most cases, when the IoT applications are deployed, a static network topology and configuration are used.
5G is transforming telecommunication networks and stimulating innovation across different sectors. 5G wireless networks can provide very high data rates and excellent coverage with increased capacity, better quality, and low latency.
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) integrate physical systems in the real world and control software in computing systems. According to researchers, the introduction of networking technologies in CPS has substantial advantages in system efficiency, scalability, and maintenance.
With the development of networking technology for the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), there are opportunities for persistent and dangerous cyber-attacks. If these threats are not detected (especially for safety-critical applications), they can lead to catastrophic failure and substantial economic loss.
Fueling the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is upon us, and IEEE is leading the way. Learn more about key technologies that will change the way we live in this new era and how IEEE research is fostering innovation and education in these fields.