Customer Success Story: IEEE Xplore Saves Time
When it comes to releasing profitable innovations, timing is everything. It can be the difference between bringing a product to market on time to meet revenue projections, or missing the window of opportunity—and earnings targets.
For tech companies, time is especially valuable. Technological advancements are happening at lightning speed, so finding ways to speed up research projects without sacrificing quality is more important than ever. That is one of the primary reasons tools like the IEEE Xplore digital library, which provides easy access to trusted, peer-reviewed research documents, are becoming greater assets to engineers charged with bringing innovative products to market faster.

In a recent survey of IEEE Xplore users, more than 65 percent of respondents said that access to IEEE content reduces their research time and shortens their overall project time.
Avoid Time Wasted on Physical Testing

One survey respondent, a former systems engineer for a large aerospace company, found IEEE Xplore to be vital while learning about the laser absorption of a plastic at a particular wavelength. This kind of information is found through physical testing, which often requires extensive approval, setup, and supervision. It can take days or even weeks to complete and can be a costly task.
If physical measurements have already been taken and published in findings, however, users can review the research and move forward with a project at a faster pace.
“I wish I had it my entire career,” the former systems engineer said, adding that if the information can’t be found in IEEE Xplore, it probably isn’t worth searching for at all since IEEE is the leading source of high-quality technical research. “It really has made finding the necessary references easier, and in some respects, actually fun.”
Quickly Learn New Problem-Solving Techniques
A design engineer at a leading industrial and defense company also revealed that IEEE Xplore has helped him quickly get up-to-date on specific topics and solve problems faster. He works in various fields of technology and relies on tools like IEEE Xplore to analyze problems and prepare and present data. For instance, if he’s designing a filter that uses cross-coupling as a technique, he will go to IEEE Xplore and research all of the published papers in that area to try and learn about the basic science and background for how it has been implemented. If he had to learn that without IEEE Xplore, it might take months or even years. Not having IEEE as a resource would be a significant loss, he said.
“It's priceless,” he said. “I wouldn't be able to do my job adequately without being able to access that information from IEEE.” The IEEE Xplore Digital Library is one of the most powerful research tools for publications in all areas of technology, including electrical engineering, computer science, electronics, telecommunications, energy, and more.
The IEEE Xplore Digital Library comprises more than 5 million documents from IEEE journals, conference proceedings, standards, eBooks, and educational courses.
Engineers are problem solvers. When they’re presented with a challenge, they will pursue every avenue necessary to find a solution. But, in some cases, a solution has already been discovered. With IEEE Xplore, users can avoid duplicative work, which in the end saves them time and money. Simply put, it enables professionals to be more effective by getting them the information they need to solve the problem at hand.
One design engineer said it best: “IEEE means being able to do my job better. It means being able to have the most current information in a field of interest, or an area of interest, and it means knowing that I have the best information available.”
Learn more about how IEEE Xplore can benefit your organization. Request a quote today.
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