Introduced in late 2019, TechRxiv, a preprint server for unpublished research in electrical engineering, computer science, and related technology, now has over 150K downloads of preprint papers. TechRxiv provides a free platform for researchers to upload unpublished preprints, with an aim to increase the accessibility of scientific findings, enhance collaboration among researchers, improve research, and build the future of scholarly communication. TechRxiv gives researchers the opportunity to share early results with colleagues and respond to comments and recommendations for improvement, ahead of formal peer review and publication. As long as a paper is within scope and follows proper guidelines, authors can post to TechRxiv even if they intend to submit the paper to another publisher’s journal. Additionally, papers in TechRxiv receive a DOI, so other researchers can cite it in their papers. 

For more information, or to upload your preprint research to TechRxiv, visit Follow TechRxiv on Twitter here.