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Now Available! Manning eBooks Library provides essential information on a wide range of computer science and technology topics such as data science, software engineering, programming, operations, web development, and much more.

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Each year, the Journal Citation Reports® (JCR) from Web of Science Group examines the influence and impact of scholarly research journals. JCR reveals the relationship between citing and cited journals, offering a systematic, objective means to evaluate the world’s leading journals.
The 2022 JCR study, released in June 2023, reveals that IEEE journals continue to maintain rankings at the top of their fields. Read more

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Give your organization the edge it needs to get your products to market faster with IEEE Xplore. Contact us to discuss which subscription option best fits your organization.

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Experience a new all-in-one information platform built for practicing engineers in communications. Find reliable, industry-specific solutions to support every stage of product design and development.

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