Each organization is unique. That’s why we have developed research subscription options to fit any size organization and budget. Whether you are developing technology and products for growth or sharpening your competitive edge through innovation, the IEEE Xplore Digital Library has a subscription option to meet your organization’s needs.
Large Organizations
IEEE Electronic Library (IEL)
Unlimited, full-text access to the entire IEEE collection of journals, magazines, and conference proceedings, plus all active IEEE standards
IEEE All-Society Periodicals Package (ASPP)
The core collection of essential technology journals
IEEE Journals Archive
Perpetual access to IEEE archival journal titles
IEEE Proceedings Orders Plans (POP)
Research papers and findings from hundreds of technical conferences from around the world
IEEE Conference Proceedings Archive
Perpetual access to more than 60 years of archival conference content
Mid-Size Organizations
IEEE Journals Library Plus
Unlimited, full-text access to the most current IEEE journal and magazine articles plus downloads to access all other content
IEEE Conference Library Plus
Unlimited, full-text access to the most current IEEE conference articles plus downloads to access all other content
IEEE Communications Library
Unlimited, full-text access to eight of IEEE's core telecommunications journals and magazines, and two key telecommunications conferences, plus downloads to access all other content
Growth Organizations
IEEE Enterprise
Packages of downloads so you can choose the right information your research requires from all IEEE journals and conferences
IEEE Power & Energy Library
Packages of downloads so you can choose the right research in power and energy from all IEEE journals and conferences
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