Partner content in IEEE Xplore

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Subscribers can now expand their IEEE Xplore Digital Library subscription with exclusive add-on packages from some of today's leading journal publishers.

MIT Press Journals Library—Computing & Engineering Collection

IEEE and the MIT Press have partnered to offer access to 13,700 documents on topics including artificial intelligence, evolutionary computation, cognitive neuroscience, neural computation, linguistics, teleoperators, and virtual environments.

IBM Journal of Research and Development Archive

IEEE and IBM have partnered to offer expanded access to the highly regarded IBM Journal of Research and Development Archive, which includes the IBM Systems Journal—both leaders in the science, technology and engineering of information systems.

Bell Labs Technical Journal Archive

IEEE has partnered with Nokia to bring the Bell Labs Technical Journal (BLTJ) Archive to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. This peer-reviewed journal highlights key research and development activities across Nokia. With a goal to identify the current challenges in information and communications technology (ICT), and to find solutions for those challenges, the journal includes papers and letters by Nokia researchers, scientists, engineers, and technologists.

CABA Impact of Smart Grid on Connected Homes—Landmark Research Study

IEEE and CABA have partnered to offer the Impact of Smart Grid on Connected Homes—Landmark Research Study via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. This study provides full details on the development, deployment, competition, strategic decisions, and emerging landscape of the residential smart grid on the connected home.