IEEE Authors: Share the code and data published in your papers

IEEE partnered with Code Ocean to enable authors to enhance the visibility and impact of their research by enabling readers to run the code associated with their articles. Code Ocean is a cloud-based computational reproducibility platform that is fully integrated with IEEE Xplore.

Readers can discover, browse, run, modify code, and input data to experiment, reproduce, and build on an author’s research, all in the cloud, without any other setup or software license.

Code Ocean allows authors to increase the visibility and impact of their work by uploading the code associated with an article. Code can be uploaded at any time—during review, acceptance or after publication. 

Authors can take advantage of this service so that readers can view and execute code with ease. Authors will also:

  • Get credit for all their research output including code and data
  • Facilitate reproducibility, replication, and reuse of their research 
  • Improve discoverability of their code with an assigned DOI 
  • Preserve their code, data, and the complete environment, so the code always runs

Once the code is published, it will be linked to the associated article in IEEE Xplore

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