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Innovation Spotlight
Tentative 2024 frontlists for each of the eBook collections hosted in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Please note these lists are subject to change, some titles may move to 2025 or be removed entirely. Additional titles will be added to the title lists as they get published throughout the year. Check back later this year for updated frontlists.

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The IEEE Power and Energy Society delivers thousands of expert-created technical resources through both the PES Resource Center and the Smart Grid Resource Center, enabling you to expand upon your professional development efforts and earn continuing education credits such as CEUs and PDHs.

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TThe IEEE Cybersecurity Standards Collection offers access to standards in the cybersecurity technology area designed to help improve the quality of exchange framework, cryptographic asset, data authentication, e-commerce, Internet of Things (IoT), interoperability, omnidirectional, supply chain and surveillance worldwide.

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The IEEE Blockchain Standards Collection offers access to standards in the blockchain technology area designed to help improve the quality of exchange framework, cryptographic asset, data authentication, e-commerce, Internet of Things (IoT), interoperability, omnidirectional, supply chain and surveillance worldwide.

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The River Publishers eBooks Library provides today’s professionals and students with cutting-edge books from the world’s top authorities. This trusted collection of eBooks is intended for graduate level students, researchers, engineers, and professionals.

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IEEE DataPort is an accessible online platform that enables researchers to easily share, access, and manage datasets in one trusted location.

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TechRxiv is a free preprint server for unpublished research in electrical engineering, computer science, and related technology. TechRxiv provides researchers across a broad range of fields the opportunity to share early results of their work ahead of formal peer review and publication. The free, publicly accessible repository aims to increase the accessibility of scientific findings, enhance collaboration among researchers, improve research, and build the future of scholarly communication. Authors can post preprint papers to TechRxiv regardless of where they eventually intend to submit and publish the paper.

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IEEE English for Technical Professionals is an 18-hour online learning program designed to provide non-native English speakers with a working knowledge of English techniques and vocabulary that are essential for working in today’s technical workplace.

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Artech House eBooks Library focuses on today’s cutting-edge technology in antennas, RF/microwave design, communications, computer security, signal processing, and much more.

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