Innovation Spotlight
September 12, 2022
In the September issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, read about engineering the James Webb Space Telescope, how hearing can be restored with light, why the NFT game collapsed, and more.
August 10, 2022
In the August issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, read about how EVs can power the grid, technology in an aging world, the trouble with robots in the operating room, and more.
August 6, 2019
In the newest issue of the IEEE Spectrum Magazine, learn about the Underwater Transformer. This issue covers the hydrogen train, the last transistor, a forgotten revolution, microgrids going mobile, and more!
June 10, 2019
In the newest issue of the IEEE Spectrum Magazine, learn about how AI will revolutionize wireless, electrifying the Navajo nation, the brain in the machine, and more!
April 10, 2019
In the newest issue of the IEEE Spectrum Magazine, learn about Top Tech Cars of 2019, universal electrification in India, 3d printing, IBM Watson, and more!
March 6, 2019
In the newest issue of the IEEE Spectrum Magazine, learn about how robots can make special deliveries, the internet of cows, quantum computing, and more!