Ideal for corporations, universities, and government agencies
IEEE offers a wide range of learning and career enhancement opportunities within the engineering sciences, research, and other technology and non-technology areas.
IEEE eLearning Library
Explore hundreds of high-quality online courses in core and emerging technologies developed by IEEE experts. Tailored for professionals, faculty, and students, the IEEE eLearning Library taps into a wealth of expertise from our global network of over 450,000 industry and academia members.
Flexible subscription options are available for organizations, including access to the full collection, course programs, or individual courses.
IEEE English for Technical Professionals™
IEEE English for Technical Professionals is a 21-hour online learning program designed to provide non-native English speakers with a working knowledge of English techniques and vocabulary that is essential for working in today’s technical workplace.
IEEE Resource Centers for Institutions
The IEEE Power and Energy Society delivers premier collections of online technical resources and continuing education courses for professionals focused on power, energy, and smart grid technologies. Thousands of expert-created technical resources are available through both the PES Resource Center and the Smart Grid Resource Center, enabling you to expand upon your professional development efforts and earn continuing education credits such as CEUs and PDHs.
IEEE | Rutgers Online Mini-MBA for Engineers
The IEEE | Rutgers Online Mini-MBA for Engineers was developed to help corporate employees bridge the gap between business and engineering as they prepare for growth in their careers. It is the only online Mini-MBA program specifically designed for engineers and technical professionals.
IEEE | Rutgers Online Mini-MBA: Artificial Intelligence
The IEEE | Rutgers Online Mini-MBA: Artificial Intelligence program demystifies AI for business managers and leaders in technology by providing foundational knowledge to assess AI’s capabilities. This holistic, strategic, and non-IT approach helps solve business problems, optimize processes, and enhance customer service to improve an organization’s bottom line.
IEEE Leading Technical Teams
Intensive Wireless Communications Course Series
Invest in your career development and get the training needed to stay ahead of vital topics in wireless communications. Introducing IEEE’s Intensive Wireless Communications highly interactive live course series, exclusively available from IEEE Communications Society. This course is designed for those with an engineering background who want to enhance their knowledge of wireless communication technologies. Train your whole team at once!
Advanced Topics in Wireless Course Series
Designed for engineers and technical professionals who want to deepen their knowledge, this course provides more in-depth training and a convenient way to stay current and become a subject matter expert on the latest technologies and topics in wireless communications. During the highly interactive, live course sessions, learners can connect with industry expert instructors in real time. This series consists of three courses with a total of 24 hours of live, virtual training. Options available for organizational training.
IEEE CertifAIEd™ Assessor Training Program
This AI Ethics training program enables participants to understand the need for ethical AIS and the principles surrounding the criteria. In this program, you will learn how to audit products, services, and systems from an ethics perspective while gaining knowledge of fundamental concepts such as ethics profiling, assessment, and certification.