In the newest issue of the IEEE Spectrum Magazine on communicative cars making traffic lights a thing of the past with Virtual Traffic Lights reducing the average commute by thirty-percent. Read more on how this can be possible with V2V (Vehicle-to-Vehicle) technology.
The Summer of Satellites
“New spot beams boost satellites' bandwidth: SSL's satellites constructed for Telesat also feature 3D-printed components…” |
How AI Will Save Lives
“IN A HOSPITAL'S INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (ICU), the sickest patients receive round-the-clock care as they lie in beds with their bodies connected to a bevy of surrounding machines…” |
New Life for Dead Software
“In early 2010, Harvard economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published an analysis of economic data from many countries and concluded that when debt levels exceed 90 percent of gross national product…” |
The Great Soviet Calculator Hack
“DESPITE THE UBIQUITY of computers in modern society, the vast majority of today's students never study computer science or computer programming…” |
Kill the Traffic Light!
“Life is short, and it seems shorter still when you're in a traffic jam. Or sitting at a red light when there's no cross traffic at all…” |
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