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IEEE Xplore has more than 4,000 eBook titles from six leading collections: IEEE-Wiley eBooks, IEEE-Wiley Telecommunications eBooks Library, MIT Press eBooks Library, Morgan & Claypool Synthesis eBook Library, Now Foundations and Trends® Technology eBooks Library, and SAE eBooks Library. View the top downloaded titles of 2019. IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library Principles ...

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IEEE Xplore has more than 3,600 eBook titles from five leading collections: IEEE-Wiley eBooks, IEEE-Wiley Telecommunications eBooks Library, MIT Press eBooks Library, Morgan & Claypool Synthesis eBook Library, and Now Publishers Foundations and Trends® Technology eBooks Library. View the top downloaded titles of 2018 IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library Adaptive Filters Foundations ...

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IEEE Xplore has more than 3,200 eBook titles from five leading collections: IEEE-Wiley eBooks, IEEE-Wiley Telecommunications eBooks Library, MIT Press eBooks Library, Morgan & Claypool Synthesis eBook Library, and Now Publishers Foundations and Trends® Technology eBooks Library. View the top downloaded titles of 2017 IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library Pulse Width Modulation ...

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IEEE Xplore has more than 2,000 eBook titles from three leading collections: IEEE-Wiley eBooks, MIT Press eBooks Library, and the Morgan & Claypool Synthesis eBook Library. View the top downloaded titles of 2016

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