Coming Soon to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library!
Stay up-to-date with the latest in AI and data science technology with this specially curated eBooks collection
With 220 titles dating back to 2019, the Wiley AI eBooks Library provides today’s professionals, researchers, and students with the latest information in this quickly evolving field of study. Rich with practical learning, the Wiley AI eBooks Library—delivered via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library—enables today’s technical engineers and computer science professionals to put AI and data science technology to work for the benefit of all.

Features and Benefits
The Wiley AI eBooks Library focuses on key content areas that lead today's cutting-edge technologies and help set the standards for future advancements. Subscribers can get up to speed quickly on important AI topics with these key benefits:
- One-stop access to approximately 220 titles, with up to 20 new titles introduced annually
- A focused collection with subject matter related to Artificial Intelligence (AI), generative AI, ChatGPT, machine learning, deep learning, quantum computing, and more
- Backlist to 2019
- No title overlap with the other Wiley eBooks collections currently available in IEEE Xplore
- Intended for researchers, students, practitioners, and professionals who are not AI experts
- DRM-free: Users can print, copy, paste, and download PDFs
- Two subscription options, an annual lease or perpetual access
- KBART and MARC records available via OCLC
* This list is subject to change; some titles may move to 2026 or be removed entirely.

How to Subscribe
The Wiley AI eBooks Library is available as an add-on to an existing subscription or as a stand-alone subscription via IEEE Xplore. Choose the subscription option that best meets your needs:
Annual Subscription Option
2025 Single-site Price US$4,600
The annual subscription option provides leased access to current year Wiley AI eBook titles plus leased access to the backlist of 220 titles.
Purchase Option with Perpetual Access:
2025 Single-site Price US$9,990
The purchase option provides perpetual access to current year Wiley AI eBook titles plus perpetual access to the backlist of 220 titles. Expand your collection by purchasing new frontlist titles each year.