In the March issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, read about the science and sci-fi of a really big computer, the ultimate power transistor, DNA as data storage, and more!

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March 2024: IEEE Spectrum Magazine

When Worlds Compute: The Science and Sci-fi of a Really Big Computer

When Worlds Compute
“Computers have grown more and more powerful over the decades by pushing the limits of how small their electronics can get. But just how big can a computer get? Could we turn a planet into a computer, and if so, what would we do with it?…”

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The Ultimate Power Transistor

Power Transistor
One of the biggest stories in semiconductors has been the surprise eclipsing of traditional silicon in the field of power electronics, where silicon carbide and gallium nitride have captured multibillion-dollar segments of the market. What would be the next new power semiconductor?…

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Turn a Vintage Hi-Fi Into a Modern Entertainment Center 

Turn a Vintage Hi-Fi Into a Modern Entertainment Center
Sometimes extreme procrastination works in your favor. Procrastination certainly played a role in this story, which was 20 years in the making. So did family, and place, and what meaning might be found in bringing silent circuits to life. This is a story that ends with me watching Interstellar in glorious high fidelity…

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DNA as Data Storage

DNA as Data Storage
Every day we produce more data, including emails, texts, photos, and social media posts. All those billions of things on the Internet of Things produce data, and all that information also needs to be stored somewhere…

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