Innovation Spotlight
March 6, 2019
In the newest issue of the IEEE Spectrum Magazine, learn about how robots can make special deliveries, the internet of cows, quantum computing, and more!
February 6, 2019
In the newest issue of the IEEE Spectrum Magazine, learn about how electricity can help heal the body faster, smart stethoscopes, dynamic 3D audio and more!
January 9, 2019
In the newest issue of the IEEE Spectrum Magazine, learn about how a pathologist could save your life, the internet of disposable things, cognitive cameras and more!
December 4, 2018
In the newest issue of the IEEE Spectrum Magazine, learn about how a pathologist could save your life, the internet of disposable things, cognitive cameras and more!
November 5, 2018
In the newest issue of the IEEE Spectrum Magazine on the First Miner's on Mars and they're not human. Read more on how this can be possible with the use of autonomous robots in the year 2038.
October 8, 2018
In the newest issue of the IEEE Spectrum Magazine on communicative cars making traffic lights a thing of the past with Virtual Traffic Lights reducing the average commute by thirty-percent. Read more on how this can be possible with V2V (Vehicle-to-Vehicle) technology.
September 7, 2018
In the newest issue of the IEEE Spectrum Magazine on the future of data storage. Read about if magnetic tape can potentially help solve our storage limitations.
News and Resources
HBO's Data Compression Stars
Training Tomorrow's Doctor Engineers
Zero Emission Delivery Trucks
AI-Human Partnerships Tackle “Fake News”
Wearable Sensors Detect ...
March 10, 2018
Recently added to IEEE Xplore, the Now Publishers Foundations and Trends® eBooks covers emerging topics in engineering and computer science. A Survey of Methods for Safe Human-Robot Interaction summarizes the vast research and helps support future technologies related to the field.
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