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IEEE Spectrum Magazine: June 2023 Issue
In the June issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, read about the great AI treasure hunt, the next chip industry workforce, the race to catch the Mirai Botnet creators, and more.

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IEEE Spectrum: May Issue
In the May issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, read about the IEEE 2023 Medal of Honor Recipient, the race to keep pace with Deepfakes, robotic avatars for the real world, and more.

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In the April issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, read about how DNA and AI facial reconstruction cracked a cold case, surprisingly green semiconductors, what it will take to electrify road transport, and more.

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In the March issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, read about the hidden beauty of the simplest devices, brain waves turned to words, a brief history of the thumb drive, and more.

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In the February issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, read about the hidden beauty of the simplest devices, brain waves turned to words, a brief history of the thumb drive, and more.

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Spectrum January 2023
In the January issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, read about the top tech of 2023, personal air vehicles around the corner, zapping arthritis with electricity, and more.

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In the December issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, read about the past, present, and future of the transistor, the case for functional programming, the next step in worker productivity, and more.

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In the November issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, read about rewiring the brain to smell again, the long road to cleaner transportation, 6G's achilles' heel, and more.

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Spectrum Magazine: October 2022
In the October issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, read about if high-tech prosthetics serve their users, the top programming languages of 2022, the man behind South Korea's semiconductor supremacy, and more.

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IEEE Spectrum September Issue
In the September issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine, read about engineering the James Webb Space Telescope, how hearing can be restored with light, why the NFT game collapsed, and more.

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